FEMDOMINATION: My High School Teacher Read online

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  Unlike the other students, I had a regularly sized desk next to Mrs. Auborn. I suppose that I should feel special for that, in a way. One by one, the students came over and piled the tower of reproduction worksheets on my tiny table-top. I'd just gotten done writing the last “A” on the test papers I'd been tasked with grading when I realized the irony of the situation, and I softly chuckled to myself because of it.

  Oh, wait… As humorous as it was, it also made me remember everything riding on, well, my dick. I'd dealt with it before… Just ended the relationship before things got serious or she'd dump me a minute after we'd hit the sheets, but Mindy… Mindy was different. I didn't want to lose her...not yet…

  After your performance last night, I highly doubt she still wants to stick with you. What're you gonna do? Tell her about the sex dream? How hard you got from a fantasy, but not when you're about to fuck her? Brilliant.

  “Why, did I get so hard…? Nothing even happened in that stupid dream. I was just strapped to a chair,” I mouthed as I took the first work sheet off the pile.

  At the top of the first page was a horribly pixelated, black and white picture of two lions mating. I didn't think anything of it, but Mrs. Auborn leaned over and said, “She could kick his butt.” She pointed to the lioness and grinned at me. Dear God. Please tell me that she didn't hear me…

  “Er, why do you say that, Mrs. Auborn?” The words hardly made it past all the marbles in my mouth.

  “Well, as you know the male lions don't actually do a whole lot.” She tilted her head from side to side, her hand twirling in the air as she spoke. I looked into her deep blue eyes and clung onto every word. “They roar and, you know, piss on stuff. While the females hunt, have the cubs, raise them… They make up the majority of the pride and that's why you don't mess with lions—especially the 'nesses.”

  I broke eye contact with her for a moment, looking down at the worksheet and then back up at her. “Sure,” I started, “But, I thought that lions were the king of the jungle and all that.”

  She shrugged and said, “Sure.” She raised her pointer finger, saying, “But! Behind every great king is an even greater queen. You'll learn that one of these days, Jack. If you're ever to marry, that is.” She smiled and quietly giggled to herself. I couldn't help but join her.

  The bell to end class rang, breaking the conjoined giddiness. All the students in the classroom immediately jumped up and ran out the door past the class entering from the hallway, creating the usual “traffic jam.” I got up as well, but then remembered what I was doing beforehand. Grading the papers allowed me some time to focus on something without thinking about Mindy or my dick problems—even though it eventually happened anyway.

  If I could just focus on some remedial task for a little longer… Maybe then I'll be able to figure out what to do. Or my subconscious will. Or something.

  “Uh, Mr. Lemming. You're gonna be late to your next class. Better get going,” Mrs. Auborn said as she stood up, adjusting her glasses on the bridge of her nose.

  I stammered a little before saying, “N-no, don't worry 'bout it. I don't have a class next period—no math this year, so… I was thinkin' I could hang here and grade the rest of these sheets.”

  The students were still pouring in, so she continued and said, “Wait… You wanna stay here and work instead of headin' home for a bit?”

  This is going to be a long day… “Y-yes. It, uh, helps me relax and stuff. Besides, I still have one more class after this before I can head home for the day, so I might as well just stay here.”

  Mts. Auborn shrugged and said, “Okay. Knock yourself out, kid. Just hope I can't get in trouble for 'keeping' you here or anything.”

  “Hey! I'm not a kid,” I growled.

  “Right, right. You're a strapping young man. My bad,” she said as she rolled her eyes and the bell to begin class rang.

  I sat down. With the side of my head resting on my knuckle, I picked up my red pen with my free hand. “Okay, just gotta focus on these…” My eyes went through the answers on the key sheet and compared it to one worksheet after the other. I hoped that it'd keep me distracted, but it only allowed my mind to wander—stray even further than it had before.

  What was with Mindy anyway? She'd never done any of that stuff around me before...Maybe she has and I just forgot about it… God, Mindy… I can already hear what she's gonna say once Gaveil tells her… “He said what?! He dumped me last night after he couldn't get it up!” God dammit.

  I moved the latest worksheet I'd finished grading onto Mrs. Auborn's desk to find that it was the final one. I looked up at the clock and said, “Damn. Already almost time to go...” Looking down from the clock, I happened to catch a glimpse of Mrs. Auborn and my mind immediately went back to what she said about the lioness and the way Mindy acted in my dream. Was she the...lioness? I held my awed stare on Mrs. Auborn as the wheels in my head continued to turn, making the connection between dream Mindy and the lioness stronger, but there was a problem: Mindy didn't act like she did in my dream. It couldn't have been her, but if it wasn't then who was it?

  “Do I have something on my face?” asked Mrs. Auborn. The question brought me back to Earth and I shook my head. “Okay, good. Now then, you've got to be headed to class now, right?”

  “I, uh, r-right, ma'am!” I said, standing up. I reached down, grabbed my bag, and threw it over my shoulder. I went for the door—stumbling only once—when I ran into the one person I forgot had this class next: Mindy. We stopped at the side of the door while countless others walked by. It was like we were both frozen in place—I dodged her looks and she dodged mine. Eventually, our eyes did meet and I hoped to see the burning intensity that I had in dream Mindy, but instead I found myself wallowing in emptiness. This was no mistake.

  “Hey, Mindy,” I said dryly. Before she got a chance to speak, I added, “Sorry about Gaveil. He doesn't know. No one does yet, but it's fine if...if you tell them.”

  She pulled some stray hairs away from her face, looking down at the tiled floor. “Um… Gaveil hasn't said anything to me yet, but okay. I'll um, yeah.” Her legs twitched, giving her a little jump as she said, “Are you sure you don't wanna…?”

  I looked into her eyes again, but found the same nothingness I'd seen before. “I'm sure.”

  I walked past her and headed down the hall, trying to ignore the tears forming in the corners of my eyes.

  Chapter 5

  The rest of the day seemed to drag on and on as I went from one period to the next. I smiled at everyone I passed by and waved to the people I knew, but by the time the last bell of the day had rung, I was left completely hollow—numb. My stomach had stopped turning with every step I took—a step farther from Mindy—and instead, I felt as though I was falling backward—into myself and I showed no signs of stopping my retreat. There wasn't room for sadness in my heart anymore, Hell, there was hardly left for myself despite the emptiness I felt.

  However, on my trek I made one stop on my way down the hall leading to the exit. I couldn't place it, but looking at the open doorway to Mrs. Auborn made me feel compelled to see her again, just remembering how the morning started.

  I strode over to the classroom with the intention of simply saying, “Hello,” before leaving, but the thought that she might be able to help me snuck in. Posters detailing the reproductive process were littered all over the room, so the voice in my head only grew more powerful the longer my eyes wandered from poster to the other. The wheels turned as I inched closer to the doorway. She's a biology teacher, right? She must get weird sex questions all the time… She's teaching reproduction after all and that has something to do with my problem, right? Right? Definitely, yeah.

  I swallowed my pride and slipped into the room, focusing on putting my weight on my heels as I approached the older woman clicking through grades at her desk. As soon as I came close enough, she turned her head and smiled at me, although, looking a little confused at my movement. I raised a hand, giving her a little wave
as I said, “Hey there, teach.”

  “Hello, Jack. What brings you here?” For a split second her eyes ran up and down my body. “Get some sort of oddly placed rash…?” she asked herself in a hush.

  I ignored her personal note, but asked, “Hm?” to see her response. She shrugged, shaking her head and I replied, “Anyway, uh, I just thought I'd come in and see how things are, ya know? Door was open, so I thought: 'why not?'”

  She leaned forward, pulled her glasses down the bridge of her nose and looked down at me—even though she was a level below me. Her leer brought the slightest sense of unease to my otherwise, unphasable core. Without thinking, I blurted out, “I came here because I needed some help with something and I thought that you might be able to help me with it or something.” My words sounded louder coming out of me than they ever did bouncing around in my head, and it almost startled me to hear them.

  Her body shifted, pulling back along with her glasses as he turned to face me. A hand darted out and withdrew quickly as she said, “Okay, shoot!”

  I stepped back, losing my balance on one of my heels. “Er, right now? You don't want to chat about the weather first or…?” She started to lean forward again and I held both hands up saying, “Okay, okay! I… Can I close the door first at least?

  She crossed her arms and sniffed the air, then nodded slowly. “Yeah, I think the room's been aired out enough to let out all the teen stink. Be quick though, I've got to get back to work at some point.” I gave her a quick nod and ran to the door to close it, biting my lip to swallow another cupful of pride before going back to Mrs. Auborn.

  Unable to handle the minutes of silents that passed, I waved my hands around—gestures to go along with the words caught in my throat. Eventually, I was able to push, “I've been having some...male...i-issues...lately. I'm, um… I'm not sure how to h-handle them really and before I g-go to anyone else about this I'd like a—uhm—professional opinion that doesn't require me getting signed into a c-clinic f-first…so...yeah...”

  “I'm listening.” Nothing about her had changed—no difference in position or demeanor in the least.

  “My...ex-girlfriend and I, we were, you know… I couldn't… I've been having problems with, um...”

  Mrs. Auborn rolled her eyes and said, “Oh, just spit it out already!”

  I closed my eyes and seemingly shouted, “Okay, fine! I can't get hard, okay?! Nothing she or I do can get me stiff, all right?” I drew in a deep breath, letting my chest rise and then fall as the breath left. Somehow, I felt a pang—I felt warmth trying to melt my icy numbness. God, I've waited all day to say that shit…

  Aside from a single, raised eyebrow nothing else about Mrs. Auborn had changed. “Huh. Okay,” she said. “So, nothing else has helped? Nothing you've thought about or anything?”

  It didn't take for me to recall my dream from last night and start retelling it to Mrs. Auborn. “Well, there was one thing… I was just being strapped to a chair though, so I don't even know what that was about...”

  “Strapped to a chair?” Her voice sounded like it was soaked in intrigue, but it was probably just my imagination at work.

  “I, um...yes. Well, kinda… She wanted to tie my hands behind my chair and maybe that thing about the lioness 'cause she kissed me and it didn't feel like the way I'd ever been...kissed before.” I caught myself starting to drift and immediately snapped out of it. “Anyway. That's all that happened.”


  “Yeah. What you said about them and stuff, it made me start to think about them more and...maybe...I need a lioness?”

  She smirked, shaking her head as she asked, “Do you even know what you mean by that?”

  “I like to be bossed around?” I asked with a head tilted to the side.

  She smirked again, ruffling her hair a little to keep from outright laughing at me. “Okay. Are you familiar with domination and submission?”

  “Uh, that's BDSM stuff, right? I've seen it in certain...places, but I've never really… I mean...” My eyes fell to the floor and my hands locked with each other tightly.

  “Let's test the theory to be sure. You're a fast learner, so I don't expect you to dawdle,” she said just as smoothly as any other thing she said, and yet the words just didn't connect for me.

  I blinked twice and asked, “Wait what?”

  “Pull your pants down.”

  I stepped back, my eyes wide open. “I repeat: what?” This is my teacher, right?

  Chapter 6

  My bones shook, my heart raced, and my cock...twitched. Do I really like this? I backed myself into one of the tables and nearly jumped upon touching it.

  Mrs. Auborn shook her head and repeated, “Pull your pants down. I was hoping that you wouldn't dawdle.”

  Her voice was as stiff as the gestures she made along with them and her eyes were looking right through me. I looked all around, trying to avoid her sight. “B-but…! C-can't you get in t-trouble for something like that?” She raised an eyebrow, but didn't respond right away. “I-I m-mean… If someone were to come in or something and you're my t-teacher and all don't you think maybe…? I mean… I shouldn't...”

  “I question your submissive nature if you're so fussy with a simple command, boy.” She blew a stray hair out of her face, looking off to the side. “Granted, it has been a while, so maybe I've lost some of my old gusto,” she said with a huff quietly to herself.

  “I just… Why?” I stuck my hands in my pockets with one leg covering the other. I felt exposed already.

  “Because you asked me.” She sighed heavily, her posture slumping a little. “I don't know what you're so scared of. I'm a doctor after all.”

  I could feel my ears perk up a little—yes, I can do that—and I asked, “Really?”

  “No, but I went to medical school to become a nurse for three hours before quitting if it counts. Does that make you feel better?”

  My spark of enthusiasm dissolved and I sank back into my hesitance. “J-just tell me what you're going to do to me.”

  Mrs. Auborn shook her head. “Nothing, boy. It's more about what you are going to do. Just trust me, all right? If you want to be technical about it, you already have.”

  “I...” I immediately bit down on my tongue to silence myself—knowing that she was right. The beating in my ears grew louder as I closed my eyes, trying to imagine the candle lit room I'd seen in my dream—trying to remember the feelings as my hands started to unbutton and tear away my pants.

  “Good,” I heard Mrs. Auborn say in a soft voice. “You know, I have to trust you too,” she added, her voice sounding closer to my ear.

  I took a deep breath and as I reached for the band of my boxers, digging my thumbs into them, but paused just before they were past my pubic hair. A draft of cold air tickled my abs, blowing up and flowing through my dual happy trails—one leading to my furred chest and the other to my reasonably trimmed nethers. Oh shit… Am I going to be shaved enough for her? The thought made me blush a little, but I didn't have much time to dwell on it, as my shirt was lifted higher and higher off of me from hands that came from the sides—at first—but then transitioned to my backside.

  I was expecting cold fingertips, but instead was treated to soft, warm palms caressing my chest and occasionally dipping down to my abdomen. It earned a content, “Mmm,” from me and finally coaxed me to pull down my boxers to reveal my half hard cock. I could feel its weight and excitement growing as it hit the cold air. With the combination of Mrs. Auborn's warmth and the cold constantly trying to pry me from her touch, in that moment, I couldn't imagine myself being anywhere else or with anyone else.

  My eyes slowly opened, unlocking as I left the candle lit room from my dream to join Mrs. Auborn in her drafty old science room, but really...where else would I be? “Glad that you can join me,” she whispered into my ear, just barely brushing her lips past my ear lobe. I could feel her hot breath sending the pulses directly to my thick, nearly fully aroused manhood, but I still dared not
touch myself without her permission—knowing her she'd want control. It was still her room after all.

  Teetering on the edge of lust, and expedited ecstacy I found myself asking, “What did you mean about trust earlier…?” without remembering that I'd said it the second it'd left my lips. She leaned in close to me, fingers prodding around my iced nipples, teasing them with the most delicate and precise touches, which evoked further hardness from my member.

  I looked at her from the corner of my eye as she said, “I trust you not to tell anyone about this, dear.”

  I bit my lip, but nodded. “N-not a soul...”

  “Good,” she said with a cat-like grin. “Now then,” she started as her eyes slowly descended to my extended prick. “I want to see what you can do with that fairly impressive tool.” I blushed, wanting to hide within the shirt now on the table, neatly folded, behind me.

  By now, my arousal was clouding my mind, and vision, but heightening my touch...just the thought of touching myself in front of her garnered a bead of pre to drip from my tip. She giggled and kicked a chair to me. I sat down, and my cock rested on my stomach—forcing muscle to rub against muscle. My eyes looked to her for direction with the utmost anticipation on what she would have me do next—my next mission objective to please her.